The society of the spectacle has certainly opened my eyes to the way that society interacts with the world around them. It has shed a light to the way that I see information being distributed to the world around me. Taking a look at my work, it definitely takes aspects from the spectacles wafting around cyberspace and consolidates them into a 'Barisified' version of my experience. This version is usually comedic, sarcastic, thoughtful and creative.

As I reflect on my processes, I begin to notice that I do not pay much attention to the things that motivate my actions, and that is something that I will look to address in the future. I want to take careful note in the future as it may help me go further in my output than before. As this semester comes to a close I was very happy with the aesthetic inspiration I drew from the world of skateboarding, going deeper and expanding to my other interests will do me very very good I believe, and also make my work more authentic to myself.